Saturday, April 11, 2009

just a thought.

I found several articles when I was looking into the prospective use and success of algae as an alternative fuel that really seem to prove that it will be able to be used in the future. However when I was looking at several of the articles – one of which mentioned that Venice would be 100% powered by the stuff by 2011 – they mentioned that the algae would remove CO2 from the atmosphere instead of adding to it. With that in mind, I thought of a few other things. How CO2 is not the only element attributing to a warming trend and how the claim of many eco-organizations is to bring the world back to normal.
Richard Branson, along with Al Gore, is sponsoring a contest to develop a technology that would take out CO2 instead of putting any in. It seems to me that much of the concentration of modern eco-groups is to revert back to normal, but wouldn’t a planet normal be a world without humans? I think so. Current studies indicate that there are elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere right now and the claims that follow these studies state that the levels are so high that they are disrupting the carbon cycle. However there are other studies that show that there are more plants and photo reliant organisms than there ever have been. Further, these plants are growing higher than they ever have. It is true that the human species has created much more greenhouse gasses than any other species through our lifestyle and industry, but the planet seems to have balanced out our additions.
Taking a different approach, by taking the data from the ice cap extractions and condensing it into a graph, it can be shown that there have been trends of fluctuating temperatures due to CO2 levels and other variable elements in the atmosphere. Each of these trends has caused temperature changes to our environment on a planetary scale including times of intense cooling and times of equally intense warming. These fluctuations of those times are similar to the modern fluctuation of temperature, and they occurred without the human element involved.
So my question about the push to remove the CO2 through inventions and now fuels is whether or not we as humans need to think that our way of life is harming the environment. Maybe this developing trend is a natural occurrence, a way for the planet to correct itself. Yes humans can develop a better and less intrusive and environmentally abusive lifestyle. And there must be new studies and inventions in fuels for our way of life but I don’t think that humans should believe that we have had as much of an impact as many scientists would say that we have.

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