Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Heres a short post of a few cartoons.


I really enjoy the one mocking the prospect to drill oil in Alaska. I have always been against this because of the pipelines imposition on the region's preserved natural state. There is simply too much risk involved in that plan of action for me to accept it as a viable option.

1 comment:

Chris Gulker said...

I enjoyed the first cartoon. I found it to be pretty humorous. It reminds me of the movie we watched yesterday in lab. One of the things that I was most surprised with was the fact that batteries exist for electric cars that can actually operate for as many miles (at an average speed of 70 mph) as a typical gasoline-powered car. So, the concept that an electric car could be behind a gasoline-powered car for 200 miles is not that ridiculous.

I also found it funny that in the post that I just put up, I picked one of the same cartoons. I guess I should probably look what others have posted before I put links/graphics.