Sunday, March 8, 2009

Alternative Energy Cartoons

These cartoons, although did make me laugh at a first look, kind of got me to thinking... It seems as though we acknowledge there are more effiecient and eco-friendly sources of energy now available, however, we do not utilize them! Especially in the United States, we strive for new solutions to create energy, but when we come across one it just is never good enough. We are stuck in our old habits. If things keep up the way they are going now, we will never gravitate towards a healthier energy source for our environment. We are wasting too much time being stuck in our old ways, and even if we believe we are doing something good for our environment looking for alternative options, we are actually still doing harm to our environment by not adapting the alternative options we have already found.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your electric car cartoon is quite appropriate now since we just saw just how dead the electric car concept really is, even though it is a seemingly ingenious idea. I for one would buy one since i live in the city, however we must remember how we get the majority of our electricity: coal. So if we use more electricity, wouldnt we use more coal? what happens when that runs out?